MOM-APPROVED BED PROTECTOR: Spend less time doing laundry, trying to get your mattress to dry or ironing bed sheets thanks to our life-saving bed mattress protector.
QUIET DESIGN: sick and tired of that crinkly noise that other PVC mattress pads make? No need to worry about that! The Masirs thick and comfy mattress protector is as quiet as it gets.
NONSLIP CONSTRUCTION: if you are looking for a waterproof linen protector that will not slide from underneath you even if you toss and turn at night, look no further.
ODORLESS MATERIALS: don’t like that overwhelming chemical smell? We neither! That is why our mattress cover is odorless.
A MUST-HAVE FOR EVERY FAMILY: this convenient waterproof mattress protector is ideal for families with seniors, people struggling with incontinence, bed-wetting children, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters or any other pet.